Sales Pipeline Tracking for Solar and Roofers

Real-time Sales Pipeline Visibility

No more wondering when the projects you sold are going to get installed. Give your reps visibility into the pipeline of their roofing or solar jobs. Complete visibility into every stage of the pipeline, in real time.

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Visibility Makes Happy Sales Reps

True visibility that gives the sales rep confidence, trust and transparency.

Automated Notifications When Deals Change

Our automated notification system will trigger a message to any sales rep when their is a change in a deal inside Pipeline. This not only makes the rep happy, it increases pull-through and completion on important jobs that lead to increased revenue.

push notifications

Transparency into Deal Stages

All necessary documentation and appointments kept in one convenient and fully visible place, fully customizable to fit your needs and processes. Set up to automatically push the account to the next bucket when that stage of the project is complete.

Keep the Pipeline Clean

Canvass snooze capability allows your reps to keep their pipeline clean and moving, by “snoozing” deals that are warm, but not active or even just cold without having to delete it completely.

Get started with Canvass

Drive sales performance in your organization and among your distributed sales teams.

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